Bugs be Gone! Pool expert in Dover, DE Shares His 14 Secrets for a Bug-Free Pool

Bug in Dover, Delaware pool needs removal

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Bugs be Gone! Pool Expert in Dover, DE Shares His 14 Secrets for a Bug-Free Pool


There’s no worse feeling than being surprised by a creepy-crawly bug floating up against your skin. It feels disgusting and if it happens to a guest, it’s sure to be embarrassing.


Family Pool Maintenance has been helping pool owners in Dover, Delaware and the surrounding areas keep their pools bug-free for over 20 years. While not exterminators by trade, pool companies are called out to deal with bugs quite often. Here are 14 bug removal tips from one of the best pool companies in Dover, DE. 


Insect Repellants

By now, you’ve probably researched how to repel insects from Dover, DE pools. But which products do pool companies recommend? What works and what doesn’t? Here are our top DIY insect repellants. 


Purchase a bug zapper

Bug zappers are popular and effective solutions to bug problems. The zapper’s light attracts the pests and emits an electrical shock once the insect gets close. The shock is small enough to be harmless to humans but strong enough to get rid of bugs for good. Some models use air suction and trap doors to kill bugs with dry heat, preventing the need for electricity. If you’re interested, take a look at these models by Fuzebug.


Hang flypaper

Depending on the types of bugs near your pool, traditional flypaper might be the solution you need. The product is fairly simple. Attract flies using a sweet adhesive and watch as the flies become trapped on the tape. Of course, larger bugs or bugs that don’t prefer sweet liquids won’t be dealt with using flypaper. Additionally, many people find the aesthetic of hanging flypapers to be off-putting. 


Install a bug misting system

Pool companies in Dover, DE also recommend an automatic bug misting system to control outdoor pests. Most systems are set to a timer and will release a puff of pest control at set intervals. Be sure to research what insects the misting system attacks before purchasing. To start, head to autoflyspraysystems.com for more information on bug misting systems.


Remember to take into consideration any harmful chemicals within the congregating areas around the pool. If this is a concern of yours, see below for more natural insect repellent solutions. 


Buy a pool enclosure

If your pool is small enough, you might be able to install a pool enclosure. This will give you 360 degrees of bug-free space (as long as you keep the door closed). The best enclosures will be made of glass while some DIY kits are made of plastic. Curious what pool companies in Dover, DE are charging for pool enclosures? Pool Warehouse quotes $31,000 for a 19’ x 41’ glass enclosure. 


Despite the price, a pool enclosure is one of the best ways to keep bugs out of your pool.


Use larvicide

Larvicide is used primarily for controlling mosquitoes. This poison kills larvae before they hatch. While mosquitoes shouldn’t be breeding in the pool itself (see below), they may breed in damp pool covers or accessory water features. Here’s a link to purchase larvicide.


Landscape Solutions

Minimizing bugs around the pool area might require some landscaping know-how. Landscaping isn’t the strength of many pool companies near Dover, DE, but we do know that standing water anywhere is sure to attract bugs. 


Apply landscape insecticides

Go to your local hardware store and you’ll be able to pick up a heavy-duty insecticide for your yard. These can be great solutions to beetle, water boatmen, and backswimmer issues. You’ll likely connect the insecticide container to a garden hose and then spray the affected area. Pay attention to all safety warnings as yard insecticides can be toxic. 


Allow for proper drainage

If your yard doesn’t properly drain, then it will collect standing water. And standing water means bugs. Make sure all areas point away from the house/pool so that rainwater takes its natural course away from your property.


Consider Xeriscaping

Sometimes you simply need to move plants a few yards back from the pool perimeter. Bugs feed and nest on plants. This includes grass, weeds, and garden plants. Xeriscaping parts of your yard will introduce a buffer that bugs might not want to cross. Xeriscaping can also add a clean-cut look to your outdoor area and add a nice touch to your pool.



Bugs are more likely to become a problem in poorly maintained pools. From stagnant water to backed-up filters, neglected pools create prime conditions for bug breeding. Yuck! If it’s been a month since your last tuneup and you’re noticing bugs, it’s time to get back to a regular pool maintenance schedule. Of course, any pool company in Dover, DE, including Family Pool Maintenance, will recommend a punctual maintenance schedule.


Check your filter often 

Algae and vegetation can clog a filter, which leads to stagnant water and warm, damp environments for insects to thrive. Mosquitoes are well known for breeding in stagnant water. Check your filter. This will also lead to better overall pool performance.


Use the skimmer

Bugs eat other bugs, so the sooner you remove the carcasses from the pool, the better. If necessary, skim the pool once a day to remove creepy crawlies.


Balance chlorine levels to kill bugs

Your pool’s normal chlorine levels create an inhospitable environment for bugs. If you notice bugs actively multiplying on the surface of the water, check the chlorine. Don’t raise chlorine beyond normal levels. This will cause discomfort for your human swimmers. But a bug problem might be an indication of a low chlorine problem. 


Natural Remedies

Be careful of using toxic chemicals to kill bugs. Unless handled properly, the poisons can sink into your pool water and cause health dangers. That’s why many pool companies near Dover, DE will recommend natural insect repellants.


Essential Oils

Citronella is the most common fragrance for keeping bugs away. You can find citronella candles at your local hardware store in the patio section. Peppermint, tea tree oil, and eucalyptus mixed with dish soap and water can also repel many types of bugs. For a few DIY bug-repelling essential oil recipes, check out this article.



While creating large amounts of smoke isn’t a long-term solution, a roaring fire on damp wood can scare away bugs in a pinch. Bring a mobile fire pit close to the side of your pool. Remember to follow all safety precautions when dealing with fire. 


Bird Feeder

Finally, birds are natural predators of bugs. You might have some hungry birds living in your neighborhood, so attract them using a well-built birdfeeder. A basic food chain will help out here. Identify the bugs invading your pool, learn which birds eat those bugs, and then stock the birdfeeder with the food the birds like to eat. As it turns out, Delaware is home to over 390 different bird species. Happy researching using this handy database!


Bugs can be persistent pests as any plant owner, or termite exterminator knows. If these DIY tips fail to keep your pool free of bugs, call Family Pool Maintenance. We can send one of our professionals to examine your pool and connect you with a qualified, local exterminator if necessary.


Family Pool Maintenance is here to help!

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