Can You Get Sick from Swimming in Cold Water?

Man plunging in cold water gets sick.

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Can You Get Sick from Swimming in Cold Water?

For many people, taking a swim in cold water can be an invigorating and refreshing experience. Cold water feels great on a hot summer day, but many people also enjoy jumping into a cold pool during winter. 

However, there is a common belief that swimming in cold water can make you sick. Is there any truth to this claim, or is it just an old wives’ tale? In this blog, the Family Pool Maintenance team will explore what happens to the body when you swim in cold water, the effects of hypothermia on the immune system, and the potential health benefits of short bursts of cold water exposure.

If you’re worried about getting sick from swimming in cold water, consider installing a pool heater. You won’t be able to use your pool when it freezes, but a pool heater can extend the pool season into those brisk autumn days and chilly spring mornings.


What Happens to the Body in Cold Water?

When you immerse yourself in cold water, your body experiences a series of physiological responses to maintain its core temperature. The first reaction is the body’s attempt to conserve heat. Blood vessels near the skin’s surface constrict (vasoconstriction) to reduce heat loss. This helps keep the warm blood closer to the body’s core organs, such as the heart, brain, and lungs.

As your body continues to lose heat to the cold water, you may experience the cold shock response, which typically occurs during the first 1-3 minutes of immersion. During this phase, you may gasp for air, hyperventilate, and experience an increased heart rate and blood pressure. It’s essential to remain calm and control your breathing during this initial stage to avoid the risk of inhaling water.

As your body adapts to the cold water, you may begin to experience a numbing feeling. Your skin may become pale, and you may lose dexterity in your extremities as blood flow to the skin is reduced. This is your body’s way of prioritizing heat retention in vital organs.


The Effect of Cold Stress on the Immune System

The relationship between cold water exposure and the immune system is complex. While some research suggests that cold exposure may have a temporary suppressive effect on the immune system, the overall impact on health depends on various factors, including the duration and intensity of cold exposure, individual susceptibility, and the presence of underlying health conditions.

Short-term exposure to cold water, such as a quick dip in a cold lake or river, is unlikely to have a significant impact on your immune system. The initial stress response can activate certain immune responses, such as increases in white blood cell production, which may help protect against infections.

However, prolonged exposure to extremely cold water or repeated cold water immersions without adequate recovery time can weaken the immune system. This is because most long-term sources of stress are not healthy for the human body. Prolonged exposure to cold water can make it more difficult for your body to fight infection and prevent illness.

It’s worth noting that individuals with pre-existing health conditions or compromised immune systems should exercise caution when swimming in cold water, as they may be at a higher risk of adverse effects.


The Health Benefits of Short Bursts of Cold Water

In general, swimming in cold water has many health benefits. If you limit your cold water plunges, you may improve your immune system. Here are a few of said benefits:

  • Improved Circulation

Cold water immersion can promote better circulation as blood vessels constrict and then dilate when you warm up after leaving the cold water. This can help improve blood flow and oxygen delivery to your muscles and vital organs.


  • Enhanced Mental Well-being

Cold water swims release endorphins, the body’s natural mood lifters. Many people find that cold water immersion provides a sense of exhilaration and boosts their mood.


  • Reduced Inflammation

Some studies suggest that cold water exposure may help reduce inflammation and promote recovery after strenuous physical activity. Athletes often use ice baths to aid in muscle recovery.


  • Increased Metabolism

Swimming in cold water forces the body to work harder to maintain its core temperature in cold water,  leading to an increase in metabolism and calorie burning, which may be beneficial for weight management.


  • Stress Reduction

Cold water exposure can serve as a form of stress relief. It can help you relax, improve sleep quality, and reduce anxiety levels.

Worried about Cold Water and Sickness? Add a Pool Heater for a Warmer Pool

If you’re concerned about getting sick from swimming in a cold pool, there are practical solutions available. Installing a pool heater is a convenient way to regulate the water temperature and create a more comfortable swimming environment. Pool heaters come in various types, including gas, electric, and solar heaters, allowing you to choose the most suitable option for your needs.

By maintaining a warmer pool temperature, you can enjoy swimming year-round, even in cooler climates. This is especially beneficial for individuals who prefer milder water temperatures or those who want to avoid the potential discomfort associated with swimming in cold water.


Trust Family Pool Maintenance for All Your Pool Needs

Swimming in cold water can be an exhilarating and healthful experience, provided you take the necessary precautions and understand the potential effects on your body. Short bursts of cold water exposure can offer various health benefits, including improved circulation, mental well-being, and reduced inflammation. 

It’s important to consult with your healthcare provider before exposing yourself to extreme temperatures. Be mindful of your body’s response and limit exposure if you have underlying health concerns or if you’re not accustomed to cold water.

Swimming in cold water isn’t for everyone. If you prefer warmer water for your swim, consider installing a pool heater to maintain a comfortable temperature in your pool. No matter what pool water temperature you prefer, it’s crucial to prioritize safety and your overall well-being when enjoying aquatic activities.

Reach out to Family Pool Maintenance today to learn about our pool equipment installation services.

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